Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Court Date

Yeah!!! We finally got our new court date. It's next Friday, June 20th. Our flight back to Ukraine was scheduled for June 14, so we're just going to keep that ticket and fly back this Saturday. We will fly into Kiev on Sunday, then take the train down to Simferepol and arrive there Monday. That will give us a few days to go visit Vacya and recover from jet-lag before our appointment. We're super excited.


Kevin and Tammy said...

Praise the Lord. You will be reunited soon.

Maisy said...

WONDERFUL! Have a safe trip, and a great time with Vacya.
Aunt Janet

Julie said...

Yay! I'm wishing you safe travels and a smooth process from here on out. I'm wondering what Vacya will think of all of this - so many firsts! Flying on a plane, seeing America, sleeping in a room by himself instead of with 9 people, meeting a whole new group of family and relatives - wow! We can't wait to meet him.

Aunt Julie