Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gotcha Day

It's official... Vacya is now with us forever. His "Gotcha Day" is October 7, 2008. We weren't able to get him on Monday after all because the director was not at the orphanage that afternoon, so we had to wait until Tuesday morning. It was really hard to tell Vacya that he had to spend one more night at the orphanage after we'd told him that he would not have to. We were still able to go out to the small village to change Vacya's birth certificate on Tuesday though, so it didn't really change our plans too much.

So, Vacya's name is now Vacya James Wager. Joe and I had decided a long time ago that Vacya's middle name would be James, after my dad. I've also been thinking lately that it's pretty appropriate because the book of James talks a lot about trials and perserverance, and we've definately had our share of trials over that past 6 months.

Today we had to go to the tax police to get Vacya's name changed for his tax code, which is similar to our social security numbers in the US. Then we applied for his passport. The ladies at the passport office told us to check back next Wednesday, so hopefully the passport will be ready by then. That would allow us to take a train up to Kiev Wednesday night, get the medical exam completed and the US visa applied for, and hopefully fly home that weekend. Please pray that the passport will be ready on Wednesday so we can get home!


Julie H. said...

YESSSSS!!!!!!! The kids and I were all high fiving each other!!! WE are so happy that the day has finally come! On my calender OCT 7th the quote is: " The most glorious sight that one ever sees beneath the stars is the sight of worthy motherhood" I have never see a mother endure as much as you to be given the gift of a child! I am so proud of you and Joe for hanging in there no matter how difficult things got. Our prayers will be with you as you finish up the paperwork and trvel back home! Love Ya Julie and family

Maisy said...

Praise the Lord! I'm so glad that Vacya can be with you all the time, now. :) Good News!!!
Aunt Janet

Scates Family said...

Yeah! Praise the Lord!!!! We are so so very excited. Malachi says I miss you and I can't wait for Vacya to get here! We love you all!! I bet Vacya has no idea how many people already love him dearly. It is amazing what can happen iwth the power of prayer.

The Scates Family

beemommy said...

Hallelujah! Congratulations to you all...I'm surprised the two of you can still speak English! This has been one very long and hard road but you endured and now, here you are, a family officially! This is wonderful! Happy tears here in Texas, Jeri

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Praise Jesus!!!! This is great news. I'll keep praying. I can't wait to meet him!

Zack, Jenn and William said...

Congratulations, and praise God!


Julie said...

I'm so relieved. I can't wait to see you guys - its been such a long time in coming. I know you are all an inspiration to many people because of your patience and persistence.


Aunt Julie

ArtworkByRuth said...

Congratulations! Parying the final leg of your journey is almost over! God bless!