Saturday, October 4, 2008


Yesterday morning, Shelby, Tammy, Lena, and I went to the appeals court to check on the status of my paperwork. When we got there, the girl that Shelby and I had talked to the day before told us to wait, then came back about 10 minutes later with our completed documents. She could not give them to us because the must go to the other court by courier, so we all headed over to our court to send the courier to get them. When we got there, the courier had already left and was at the appeals court. The secretary that has been so helpful in the past called the courier and asked him to go through all of the documents and make sure mine were there before returning. She told us that once she had them, she would prepare the additional court decree that I needed to get Vacya signed out of the orphanage. The papers were ready at the end of the work day Friday, so we didn't have time to officially sign Vacya out, but he's with me for the weekend. On Monday Andrei will come down to get everything taken care of with the orphanage, so other than going back for a few hours Monday morning, Vacya will not have to stay there anymore. Then on Tuesday we will head out to the village where Vacya was born to get his birth certificate changed. It's about a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive, so it will probably take most of the day to get it done. If we get back early enough on Tuesday, we will apply for his passport; otherwise we'll do that Wednesday morning. I've been told that it should take 5 to 7 days to get the passport, but I know others who've waited much longer. I'm hoping that we don't run into another delay there.

This afternoon Shelby and I are taking the kids to the circus, then tomorrow is Shelby's birthday, so we should have a very fun weekend. Vacya has been asking all day how much longer till we go to the circus. He's so excited.


Maisy said...

AAAAHHHH! Some timely and good news for you! Thank you for sharing that. I'm so glad that you had that supportive secretary! Mostly I'm excited that Vacya will not have to stay at the orphanage ANY MORE! Good luck on the trip Tuesday, and prayers that the birth certificate can be changed quickly and easily, and you can get safely home.
Have a great time at the circus. Do you have any more pictures you could show us?????
Auntie Janet

Scates Family said...

That is wonderful news. At least the secretary found it in her heart to help! I bet Vacya is excited that he is able to stay with you from now on. What was Vacya allowed to take with him? I pray the rest of the process will fly by. I can't wait to hug you both. Things are going good here. Malachi and Javan went to the homecoming game with Ira and Adrianne. I am sure Joe told you Alma got crushed! Jeremiah's GI appt. has finally been moved closer!!! The earliest he was able to get in was Feb 29, 2009, he was put on the waiting list and now it is Oct. 30,2008!!! We are so thankful. We pray they will be able to figure out his malabsorption. Nathanael 5 months is getting so big. his 4 month appt. he weighed 15pounds 1 ounce.
He loves to watch his big brothers play he bounces on my lap. He wants to be playing along with them already!
We love you all so much
The Scates Family

Julie H. said...

I am so glad that everything came together! Please let the secretary know that we all appreciate everything that she did for you. I hope that you all have a really good weekend. I hope that the rest of paperwork can be finished up quickly. How are you mkaing your journeys? Do you have to take a cab or can you rent a car? On the homefront Gianna had her appointment with the plastic surgeon, and he said that using Merdema will help her with the sensation from her deep scar on her shoulder. This is good news as I thought they were going to have to remove the scar tissue to fix it. Ian's soccer team is doing well they are undefeated so far! Love Ya-Julie

Julie said...

Jaime - that is fabulous news! Have fun at the circus. Vacya must be so excited. Is he looking forward to flying on a plane?

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Praise the Lord! Your long journey is finally winding down:) There IS light at the end of the tunnel. lol

Have a wonderful weekend! We'll be praying that the passport does come quickly.
