Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Please Pray!

We just found out that, with the laws that have changed in the last week or two since we've been here, our court date is not scheduled until May 19. Andrei is coming back down here tomorrow to talk to the judge and see if we can get the court date for this Friday. Please pray that he is able to make arrangements for our court date to be earlier than mid-May.


Julie said...

Joe and Jaime,

I know this must be a frustrating development for you. Hang in there! I am thinking of you every day!

Aunt Julie

Maisy said...

OH NO!!! I'm sorry that you have this kink in the works. :( I hope that Andrei can persuade the judge, and help get the court date for this Friday. Our Women's Bible study prayed for you guys yesterday! Like Julie said, "Hang in there." No matter what, it's going to be worth it all. Hugs.
Aunt Janet

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Joe & Jaime, it was good to talk
to you this morning and hear your voice. It sounded good.
I know it is a disapointment kids
but hang together. Many people are on their knees for you. It's hard on little Vacya too because it must hard to understand why he can't leave with you now.

Question: does your cell phone work there to communciate with Sasha or Shelby while she is back in the states? Or are you using hers and bringing it back with you?
I recently saw that one can purchase a SIM card to work in the US Cell phone while in the European country. An option?
Please let Matt Shelby and gang know that we wish them a safe trip home.
Wanda is probably glowing and can't wait.
Love you much, Dad and Mom

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Happy thoughts to lighten us up:

I am practicing/learning Russian words & where to emphasize the syllable as to not change up the words.

Some I've learned:
Da ~ Yes
Nit ~ No
MAMA ~ granny's kid
nana ~ the other granny's kid

(So Karen; you be MAMA & I'll be nana? LOL)
Love you all, nana

Unknown said...

You all are in our prayers.
Luke & Amy

Julie H. said...

My heart sank as I read this, how frustrating for you. I will be praying for you guys and Andrei, as he tries to get the court date changed to Friday. Hang tight you have so many people here praying for you. In the end everything will come together even if it takes a little longer.
Lots of love,
The Hartley family

Janice said...

You know I believe in positive energy and prayer. You will get your court date. My love, Janice

Jaime said...

Grandma Beki,
We have a cell phone that Sasha gave us to use while we're here. We just buy minutes for it. That's what we called you from this morning. It works to call here and to the States. If you want to try to call us without it costing a ton, you can go online to and set up a pre-paid account. That's what our family has been using to call Shelby for the last few years. I think it's about 14 cents a minute to call to Ukraine using that.

Re: the Russian words...
Mama is mom and papa is dad
Babushka is grandma
Dadushka is grandpa
Dya-dya is uncle
Totya is aunt
Cousin is hard to say and even harder to try to write with our alphabet, so I won't even try that one.

Do we have a new nephew yet? How's Sarah doing?
Love you all, Jaime & Joe

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Thanks Jaime for the Russian lesson. So I should give up the Russian learnin' eh?:) LOL
I love you.
My heart has hurt all day for you guys. Darn it, so close. So close!
How many children are in Vacya's orphanage? Are these the same children considered "his class?"
We would like to send some crafts, needs, & such. I will touch base with Shelby in the States about it.

On the home front:
No new nephew yet. Sarah had a Dr appt today with no significant change. Yep, she's bummed too.
Jeremiah is sad because they have repainted his room beautifully with Winnie the Poo & he does not do well with change. He keeps saying "Oh-oh" very inquisitively and taking all to the room & pointing. Babuska Sue has been helping Sarah with the boys. For this we are greatful. Sarah is still working and so very tired.

I guess the race is on for the 4th grandchild place :)
Will it be officially Vacya or Nathaniel?
Love, Babushka Beki

Anonymous said...

Joe and Jaime, Kiersten and I are keeping the two of you in our thoughts as well as Vacya. Just keep in mind you will have him home soon, and then we can start corrupting him with Chucky Cheese, water parks, video games and the "little man with eight legs"

Marie,Kiersten and Ashley