Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Vacya's finger

Yes, Grandma Beki, Vacya did have a hurt finger. We never did get the whole story of what happened, but apparently he did it when he was playing outside. Nina, the more strict caregiver (I'm trying to be kind), said that Vacya didn't have enough meat to eat at his meal so he tried to eat his finger. This of course is not true, but it is not surprising that Nina would tell us that. He didn't have the bandage on it today and it just looked a little swollen and bruised.

Today we took the whole class on a walk to a nearby store for ice cream. They had a good time. It's really breaking our hearts to only be able to take one child home while the rest will be left behind. Anybody interested in adding to their families? I know a few really great kids :) jk... kind of.


Dad / Mom Wager said...

To comment on Matt & Raelindas blog message bout the Russian book ~LOL!
Grandma Beki actually bought the copy of "Russian-language-for-dummies book." :)
I'm ready!!!!
YUP....Go ahead ask me anything!
Sure, anyone can borrow it. :)
Love, Grandma Beki

Uncle Matt & Aunt Raelinda said...

Hello again from Breckentucky!!!
So, whats the next step for you over there? What's the weather like? How are you getting online over there? Are you sick of these questions yet?-LOL........

Julie H. said...

I can't believe that one of the caregiveres would say such a thing. Sounds like she needs to pick a different line of work, maybe one that didn't involve kids! I think that it is great that you have been trying to do fun things with the whole class, wht a treat for them to see that there are people that care about them and want to do things with them. I hope though that you are still getting in some quality time with Vacya. Love Julie

Jaime said...

Raelinda - the next step is our court date, which we should find out tomorrow, when we ask the court for permission to adopt. Once we get that, we will have to wait 10 days to get custody of Vacya.
The weather is pretty nice. It was cold and rainy the first week we were here, but now it's sunny and fairly warm. Probably around 60.
The apartment we're staying in with my cousins has internet access.

Maisy said...

Jaime, Joe,
Just curious. Will they be doing any kind of physical for him in the Ukraine? Or is all that kind of thing something you will be doing on the US side of things?
Hope you find out your court date is set for as early of a date as possible for you guys. It's hard to wait, I'm sure, for all this to transpire.
Aunt Janet

otonobo said...

Beau and I can't wait until you get him home and away from that place. We are so happy for you and love looking at the pictures. God bless, Autumn

Julie said...

He's such a cute child. He has such an expressive face, and his smile just makes you want to smile, too! I just can't wait to spoil him!

Aunt Julie