Monday, September 1, 2008

First Bell

Today I went to the orphanage to celebrate First Bell (the first day of school) with Vacya and his class. The kids looked so nice all dressed up in their black pant/skirts and white shirts. Tammy and Lena brought treats for the kids to have after the First Bell ceremony that they always have. It was an interesting experience to be a part of this important tradition here in Ukraine.

I found out on Friday that we do have to have an actual hearing for the appeals court after all. From what I understand, though, the appeals court judge has already said that our approval will stand. It's more of a formality that they have to go through because it is an adoption and they must follow the process. I'm still waiting to hear when the hearing will be. Our judge was going to be calling the appeals court judge over the weekend to see what he could to do about getting the hearing scheduled quickly, but I haven't heard anything yet. It's getting even more stressful just being stuck here waiting now that school has started and I am missing work.

This weekend three of the girls from Vacya's class were sent to another orphanage, so the caregivers are worried about their jobs because of the lower numbers of kids. One of them actually told Tammy and Lena that she is praying that our adoption won't go through because they don't want to lose their jobs. She has pretty much ignored me and not spoken to me at all when I've been at the orphanage to see Vacya. I guess that's better than being yelled at like Joe and I were back in April and May.

There is no internet access at the house I'm staying at now with Shelby and her family, so I'm not able to post updates as often, but I'll try to get to a computer if I get any news.


Julie said...

Jaime - it must be difficult seeing school start over there while you know you're missing the job that you've put so much effort into. It is encouraging that the other judge has already said that your approval is certain. Hopefully, the teachers at the orphanage will treat Vacya kindly for the rest of his time there.

Aunt Julie

Kara said...

Good luck with everything! We are all praying for you and for Vacya! Don't worry too much about work, we'll hold down the fort for you until you return! We miss ya, but you are where you need to be right now!

~Kara, Eric, Jillian & Jana

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Kara, Eric, Jillian, & Jana thank you very much. Your kind and encouraging words are appreciated.
I'm sure you are as anxious as the rest of us to actually meet this lucky little boy.

We took the youth group to Grandpa and Grandmas cabin on Higgins Lake.
We left after church yesterday and
spent the night. Today, we walked the 5 mile bridge walk on Mackinac Bridge. It was a beautiful day in Michigan. Upper 80's blue sky and very little breeze. The bridge view was spectacular.

Jaime, Jeremiah wants to say hi so here you go;mhnnhudunn nnnnnnn n juuhjm
Sarah told him to say night-night to Aunt Jaime and he kissed the screen! :)
Funny, when Joe comes over Jeremiah says na-me, na-me? We say nope just Joe.
Praying for a speeding return.
Love, Dad and Mom

Maisy said...

Praying for the court date to be final, and positive. It's hard to know what's up at this point, as you've been told so many conflicting things. But, God isn't fooled....He can see clearly. Praying for His intervention when you are feeling low, without control, and anxious.
Aunt Janet

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Still checking on you and praying that your adoption will be final soon. It can be difficult to be on Ukraine time. i.e. - not knowing when anything will happen:0 We also had a long wait to bring our daughter home, but for different reasons.
