Monday, May 19, 2008

Court Hearing

Well, today's court hearing didn't go so well.  There is a law that the minimum age difference between an adoptive parent and child is 15 years.  Joe is 14 1/2 years older than Vacya.  We were told that that would not be a problem, so we haven't worried about it.  Today the prosecutor at the court hearing protested our application to adopt Vacya because of the age difference between him and Joe, and the judge denied our application.  We can still appeal the decision and request a different judge and prosecutor, but we don't know how long that process will take.  Andrei is contacting a lawyer here in Simferopol and Sasha is contacting the lawyer at the State Dept. of Adoption in Kiev.  The SDA has already approved us, knowing of the age difference, so the facilitators were shocked about what happened today.  They have never heard of a prosecutor protesting in this way before.  Hopefully we will know more tomorrow about what we need to do and how long it may take.  Thanks for your continued prayers.


Julie said...

My heart sank when I read your post. I don't see how they can allow a little boy to think for 7 weeks that he's being adopted and then pull the rug out from under him like that. Hopefully more rational minds will prevail and they will do what's best for Vacya, and quickly! Does he know what's going on? Did he attend the court hearing? How does he feel about everything? We love you lots and lots!

Aunt Julie

Dad / Mom Wager said...

I just spoke with your dad and we
are beyond sick!
I cannot believe they are doing this to you and Vacya.
& why does the prosecutor care?
You are providing a loving home for someone!!!
Does Vacya know of this?
Love dad and mom

Dad / Mom Wager said...

We are concerned how you guys are holding up.
Is there anything we can be doing here state side?

Angela Faye said...

J & J,
Becky and Sarah told me while I was at work today what happened. My heart aches for the both of you and as always, you both and Vacya will remain in my prayers.

I know this is hard, but I'm proud of both of you for keeping yourselves focused on Vacya.

All I keep thinking is God gives us only as much as he knows we can handle. This obstacle is just one more thing that years from now, you and Vacya will both know you didn't let stop you from becoming a family. He will know you guys loved him so much you didn't let this slow you down.

All my love and prayers.
