Monday, May 19, 2008


Vacya was at the hearing today, but he left with the orphanage representative before they gave the decision, so he does not know yet.  Tomorrow when we go to visit, we will just tell him that it is taking longer than we thought and we will have to go to another court hearing.  We don't want to tell him that they said no and have him worry about it.  Sasha and Andrei have already contacted several lawyers and prosecutors that they know and are doing everything they can to help resolve the situation.  Sasha said that we have 10 days to appeal the decision and that we should be able to have another court hearing within 20 days.  I'll post more info when I get it.

Joe and I are hanging in there.  He was pretty angry and I'm just shocked.  Joe went to play basketball with Matt this evening to let off some steam and I'm spending some much-needed alone time.  We both believe that God wants Vacya to be a part of our family and He is in control of all of it, so we're just trying to trust that everything will work out in the end.

During the very stressful 4 hours that we were at the court today, I kept reciting my favorite Bible verse to myself, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6,7

Keep praying and petitioning!  We know that God hears even if we don't understand why He's allowing these things to happen.  And we can definitely use some peace right now :)

We love you all.  Thanks for your love and support.


Dad / Mom Wager said...

Kids~ Read Psalm 46
God is our refuge and strength

I am having a difficult time right now finding joy...and the tears are streaming as I write this.
Josh just called and reminded me of
Paul and his strugges and turmoil and managed to find joy regardless.
We all need to hang in there with you.
Love Mom

Dad / Mom Wager said...

On the home front:
The following have been phone calls or emails I've received.

Dave & Karen Koutz~
Tell Jamie, Joe and Vacya not to get discouraged. Keep fighting and praying. Perseverance is required and determination and prayer.

From Debbi Robinson~
I was not able to get into the blog but I am so sorry for Joe and Jaime. They have been in our constant prayers.

Julie H. said...

Jaime and Joe,
I am in disbelief right now. I will continue to pray for all of you and the situation. I don't understand if you were already aproved how they could now challenge it? Our hearts go out to you in this difficult time. Perseverance shall prevail. Love you guys, Julie and Family

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Joe, it was good to talk to you.
I could hear the frustration in your voice but am proud of you that you were able to keep your cool.
Your potential travel plans sound logical...Not ideal I know but sounds as if it will work out if needed.
Dad & Grandpa Bob were angry and frustrated ........can you imagine if the 3 of you were in the same room when you two received your news today at court? Not to mention Jim, your father in law! Yikes! :)
I'm glad Vacya was not in the court room at the decision...poor little guy. He must not think to highly of adults.

My vent time!!!~
The judge would rather that Vacya languish in an orphanage then place him with a loving set of parents because of 6 mos?
That is just not right. GRRRRRR
Love you guys! Mom

Uncle Matt & Aunt Raelinda said...

Joe and Jaime, we have been so proud of you through all of this, especially now. I do not pretend to understand the decision, but I don't believe you would have been led by God to get this far without a happier ending than thisso keep looking up, this can't be the end.

Matt and I have had some hardships with outside involvement with our children. It was very tough to get through, but in the end, we were closer to each other, to our families and to God. I pray the same for you, and my heart goes out to you as well.

love and prayers, matt and raelinda

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I am so sorry friends. I am shocked. Know that I am praying for you. Love you!

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Mick Koutz shared~
I have made my prayer known to God, asking that he get intervene in a way that will resolve this set back.

Praying always....

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Jaime, Shock is a great word to describe how you must feel babe.
I am truly sorry.

I want to thank you for keeping Joe calm during this time of "justified anger". You are so great at knowing when to stay calm and when to vent! One of the many reasons you are a good fit.
Thank you.

I had a nice long talk with your mom today Jaime. We are both numb.
& Yes, I got to talk with Jason too! He is such a hoot!
I love you Kids, Mom

Dad said...

I’ve tried to reach you by phone several times today, but without success.

Know first that I love you and Joe very much and I’m so sorry (and stunned) that you face yet another trial in this adoption process. There was a time when I could hold you and make everything better. Fortunately, you’ve grown up into a strong, mature, Christian woman and you have a heavenly Father that loves you perfectly and provides for all that you need. You also have Joe, and I trust you two are leaning on each other as you both lean together on God for strength and peace. Still…I want to hug you.

As I reflect on this ‘temporary inconvenience”, I pray not only for you & Joe, but also for Vacya. I believe that God will answer Vacya’s prayer. Hug him for me.

My mother had a saying she used all through her illness…this too shall pass.

This too shall pass!

Angela Faye said...

You will get through this. You have so much love and so many prayers and God at your side,

we will see all three of you home soon :)


Dad / Mom Wager said...

J & J,
Please talk to Sasha and Andrei about obtaining a letter from the SDA waiving the 15 years age difference. SDA approved knowing
the 14 1/2 year difference so this should be in your favor.

Dad called on break- sending you his love.
Love you, Mom

Julie H. said...

J & J,
Just wanted to send a hug your way. When I told Jim of the news he was very upset and made the same point as Joe's mom about letting Vacya stay in the orphange instead of being placed in a loving home. I have not seen him that upset ever, I was surprised because he doesn't show emotion that often.

If there is anything we can do from here please let us know, we will do whatever. Let Vacya know that he has tons of people praying for him. Lots of hugs all around,