Thursday, May 8, 2008

Meeting with Director

Yesterday Vadim, Tammy, and Matt came to the orphanage with Joe and I to talk to the director about what's been going on with the caregivers. He told us that only he or his assistant would be able to go to the court when we have our appointment, so the caregivers will not be able to go and cause any trouble there for us. He also said that he would talk to the caregiver that was threatening to go to the court and fight against us adopting Vacya. He was not happy about the situation. We also asked if we could get permission to have Vacya with us during the 10-day waiting period after our court appointment and he said that we could. We still hoping that we can get the 10-day waiting period waived, but at least we should be able to have Vacya with us during that time if it isn't waived.

We still don't know anything more about the court date. It won't be this week, because tomorrow is a holiday here.

Nina was being difficult again today when we went to visit Vacya. She was telling us, in front of the whole class, that Vacya gets up at night and hits the other kids and bites them. She kept going on and on about it. There isn't any supervision for the kids at night, so he may or may not actually be doing anything. The other kids might be telling the caregivers that he's doing those things just to get him in trouble. We just can't wait to get him out of there!


Dad / Mom Wager said...

Kids- I KNOW this is getting very hard and frustrating....however,
I do read some good news in your most recent blog.
1. Nina cannot set foot in court
2. The director is apparently waiving the 10 days regardless if the court does not.
3. The orphanage director stands behind you and believes in you.
4. You have some good friends with you of Vadim, Matt & Tammy.

Hope. Hope. Hope.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6
Put your hope in the God who heals and redeems. Hope in him, and hope in the work he is doing in you. Hope for change, for growth, for healing.
We love you very much.
Dad and Mom

Dad / Mom Wager said...

On the homefront:
Nathanael has survived 1 week with three older brothers!
Malachis' most recent question is "mom can I take a picture of Nathanel eating?" Sarah instantly responded with a flat out "NO!"... I then gently asked Malachi "what do you plan to do with the picture?" "Grandma I want to take it to school to show people, isn't it neat?" Yes, Malachi it is neat but also private and personal."Oh, he said"
Javan is excited he can finally reach the peddles on the tricycle.
Javan has short legs mind you :)
Jeremiah has learned to climb out of the crib over the headboard!
Sarah lowered the side rails but he STILL climbs out over the headboard. BONK he lands!

We took Grandpa Bob to "Barba CUTIES" barbeque restaurant in Mt Pleasant. we enjoyed it.

Grandma Sues Mystery trip was to Kansas City Missouri....spent some of the time in an Amish Community and ate at the home of an amish family. Very nice time. She is expected back this evening.

Unka Bills Birthday is May 11th. We mailed him some special beef jerky today along with a complete printing of your blog so he can read it. We will continue to send him updates too.

Grandma Schultheiss is attempting to draw some pictures for Vacya.

Josh put his Ford Explorer back together and it looks great! Bought parts on EBAY. We are impressed. Their house is coming along nicely too.

Julie said...

Joe and Jaime - Sorry to hear about your setbacks. I don't understand what the caregiver thinks she has to gain by causing trouble for you. If she picks on him so much, you'd think she'd want him to go home with you! I agree with Beki - it is good that the director is trying to be supportive of you and that you have friends there to help you. Hopefully your court date will be early next week!

Aunt Julie

Uncle Matt & Aunt Raelinda said...

Hey guys, it amazes me that some people go to so much trouble just to cause other people trouble. I imagine that there must be some justified envy that Vacya is leaving the orphanage and everyone else is staying. But I also know that we all want a better life for those that we love, so you would think that they would all be happy for him if that love were truly there. I guess I like to picture adoption like the scene from Little Orphan Annie. I can't imagine how hard this waiting must be for you so we continue to pray for you all back here.
We have a dry erase board at work that we put quotes for the day....the one yesterday was "sometimes good things fall apart only to fall back together better" (Marilyn Monroe). I have seen some truth to that in my own life, and I truly believe that God has led you there and he will lead you home...all three of you. Hopefully it will be more sooner than later!

Love, Aunt Raelinda and Uncle Matt

Maisy said...

I'm sorry about the frustration of the caregivers, right now. :( Maybe they actually love Vacya so much, they don't want him to go, either. Who knows? Sometimes people do what looks strange to us, but makes perfect sense to them. I'm praying that something clicks in Nina's mind about you two, for the positive. That she would see something that would give her the courage and peace of mind to show cooperation. Hang in there.
Aunt Janet

Angela Faye said...

I know this must be getting so difficult for you, but you're getting to the end of this and very soon, your family will be back home and all of this awful stuff behind you.
Vacya will never have to endure that horrid woman again. I wish you all the love and prayers I can muster.
