Friday, August 8, 2008


We are a little frustrated with Andrei right now, to say the least. He was supposed to come down to Simferopol yesterday, but couldn't get a flight until this morning. However, he missed his flight because he didn't get up early enough this morning. Now he says he's coming on Monday, but we'll have to wait and see if he actually makes it. Tammy and I went to our court this morning so that I could sign a paper saying that I was notified that our case was appealed and was sent to the appeals court. The secretary at our court said that our case had already been sent over, but when we went to the appeals court to check on it, they said that they didn't have it yet and it can take 2 to 3 weeks for it to be processed and registered before any judge even looks at it. I called Andrei to let him know what's going on and he said that it should not take that long for it to be registered, only 3 to 5 days. He said that he will come Monday to go to the appeals court and to meet with our judge to see if he can do anything to speed up the process. Joe is going to call Sasha to see if he can do anything to move this along, or at least get Andrei down here to do his job.


Julie said...

Forgive me, but I get a little confused. Andrei is your attorney, right? What is Sasha's role again? It doesn't sound like Andrei shares your sense of urgency. Were you able to contact the US Embassy at all? It just seems like there should be some sort of protection for situations like this. I'm really sorry for all of the delays. It's like you have to hurry up and wait. How are you spending your down time? Have you gotten to visit Vacya recently?

Aunt Julie

Dad / Mom Wager said...

What is Sashas' take on all of this?

Scates Family said...

Joe and Jaime,
I am sorry for the recent update/setback. I hope Sasha can do something to speed this along.

With Love,

adopting2fromUkraine said...

I am so sorry for all of your difficulties! It is so hard to go through all of this when you have been in Ukraine soooo long and no one seems to be in a hurry or at least unconcerned about all the delays and that you need to finish up your adoption.

I probably can't offer any help, but I've been wondering if your attorney (A) is the same person we used when we were there this year? I say this because we experienced many of the same behaviors.

Praying that things get resolved soon.