Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Same old story

We still don't know anything.  Andrei talked to our judge today and was told that the appeals court judge has our case, but she needs a day to look at it, so we won't hear anything until Thursday.


Susan said...

I am so sorry you're having such a long, tedious wait to bring your son home. Hang in there - it took my cousins two trips and a grand total of an incredible 150 days to find their two darling daughters and bring them home! The long wait was well-worth it.

Hoping for good news on Thursday...

Susan in Ky
Cousin to two from Ukraine

Julie said...

Well, I guess slow progress is better than no progress - at least the judge has the appeal in his hands. I'm hoping that Thursday is the big day!

Welcome Home Joe! Raincheck on the steak dinner? Can't wait to see you.

Aunt Julie

Dad / Mom Wager said...

Joe landed safely. Let me tell you how we continue to be proud of him.
At the beginning of his trip home he overheard the last minute instructions to an 80+ year old couple & also the word "Detroit". He turned around and said, "You are going to Detroit? I am too so you can follow me."
Joe helped Jim and Betty every step of the trip. Slow as the steps were Joe was there for them. :)
Joes’ flight was next to a wee-one on the plane. He said she screamed unless he was looking right at her and playing with her.
Between Jim, Betty, and this little girl Joe was occupied that’s for sure.

We went out for dinner and drove Joe to your parents’ home for the night. The dogs were excited & Brom would not leave Joes' side. It was a nice visit with your folks & Jason as always. Grandpa Bob has been given the job of "judge" in Jasons' dog show.
I hugged your mom and assured her that you will too be home soon.
I love you Jaime.
Give Vacya, Matt, Tammy, Vidiam, Lana, Matt, Shelby and the gang my best.
Love, Mom

Maisy said...

Hoping that you heard something today. :) Praying for good news, and swift follow through, on the part of everyone hereafter.
Aunt Janet