Friday, August 15, 2008


Somebody made a mistake... the prosecutor did appeal the latest court hearing, not the one from May. So, now we have to keep waiting for the appeals court to decide whether or not to throw it out. We were told that it might happen next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. I fly out Saturday morning go back. I was really hoping that we would have some good news before I had to go back, but no such luck. It was great to be home though, even if it was only for a week.


Maisy said...

Hurry up and wait, Hurry up and wait. "Sigh." Crazy....that's what it is. "Sigh." I'm still a prayin for you guys. Glad you were able to get some time home, Jaime. Remember that each day, each moment, you both are making a huge difference in the life of a deserving boy. NOT to mention all the other people who can grow through your experiences. Thanks for taking the effort, climbing the steep mountains, and picking yourselves back up each time. You guys are COURAGEOUS!
Aunt Janet

Maisy said...

Matthew 7:25 "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house, and YET it did NOT fall, for it had been founded upon the Rock."

Dad / Mom Wager said...

J& J,
Write a book!

Love Mom

Julie said...

That's a good idea. The way I've been glued to your blog, I bet your story could be a best seller!

Aunt Julie

Lacie said...

Love you so much and still praying. Ya know, having worked with the U.S. courts so much and having heard all the Americans that complain, I really gotta say we have NOTHING to complain about! Gosh, that is a PRETTY BIG OOPS! God is making you more patient than you have ever had to be...and you were already a pretty patient person! I love you both - keep your chin up and know we are all praying back home. :)

Julie said...

Hi Joe & Jaime! Hoping for good news soon. We love you & miss you!

Aunt Julie