Monday, August 11, 2008


On Friday Joe and I decided that I needed to come home to take care of some things at work since I won't be back before the new school year starts, so I bought my ticket and flew out Saturday morning. It's great to be back in the US, even if it's only for a week. Joe stayed in Ukraine so that if the appeal is thrown out this week (we've been told that it could be by Wednesday), he can go out to the camp and get Vacya. Then I'll be back in time to go get the birth certificate the following Monday if all goes well and the appeal is actually thrown out.


Julie said...

Welcome back to the US, Jaime. I hope you are able to take care of your obligations here and that the Wednesday appeal dropping date actually pans out.
I'm thinking of you, too Joey - hoping you'll be home soon, too.


Aunt Julie

Julie H. said...

I am sorry for all the delays that you are experiencing. I hope that your time home helps you to get done what needs to be. Thinking of you! Juile

Lacie said...

Jaime - I would call but worry you have enough to deal with right now. I haven't written on the blog but we have been praying and praying and praying. You guys are strong - keep sticking with it. I love you and cannot wait to see you and your family together here soon! :) Hugs,

Maisy said...

Okay, we've been gone a week, and I just had to get on and see how things were going. I'm sorry there are yet more delays, but I am continuing to pray that the appeal is thrown out! And praying for a sense of peace and tranquility amidst the frustration right now. Hugs,
Aunt Janet