Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nothing yet

Andrei called the appeals court today and there is still no new information.  The appeal for our case has been registered, but the hearing for it has not been scheduled.  Before when Andrei talked about the appeal being thrown out, it sounded like there may not even be another hearing, but now it seems that there has to be a hearing for it to be thrown out.  Andrei is coming down on Friday so that we can meet with the head of the appeals court to try to get the hearing scheduled soon.  Joe does not have to be at the appeals hearing, so I think he's going to be coming home this weekend or early next week.  If the hearing is not going to happen soon, I will come home too and just come back in time for the hearing.  Hopefully they will be able to give us a date on Friday so that we can decide what we need to do as far as coming home.  We've just been sitting here waiting for something to happen since our court hearing on July 11th.  It's really frustrating because we could have been home all that time and Joe would not have had to miss so much work, but they always just say a few more days so we didn't want to go home and then have something happen right away.  Now that the school year is starting, we really can't afford to have both of us just sitting around and waiting here if nothing is going to happen soon. 


Shelby said...

ugh! I love you. Tell all the kids HI from me and let them know I will see them all soon. UGH!

otonobo said...

Wow...I can't even begin to imagine. Thank you for your hearts and for holding strong. Just think, someday you will look back on this time and tell this story of Biblical proportions. God bless, Autumn